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Reasons you should check Conifers – Impact from Storm Eunice

Storm Eunice seems a while ago now. Although the majority of “clean up” has taken place. There are many remaining potential hazards from its effects on UK agriculture.

Recently the Tree Pro team were called in to carry out an inspection on a conifer that had split due to the damage caused by the UK’s biggest storm in over 30 years.

It was lucky we attended to this job when we did. As you can see from the below pictures this ticking time bomb could have gone off at any point and caused major issues to the surrounding area for our client.



This is one of many recent calls regarding the issues caused by storm Eunice. We have attended and resolved many tree-related hazards that are still ongoing from an event that happened almost a year ago. It goes to show how important it is to check the health of your trees.

We are the one stop shop for tree surgery and removal.  With over 25 years’ experience you can count on Tree Pro Ltd. Simply call us at 01622 851576 or send an email to [email protected].



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Tree Pro