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Tree Pro – Barming, Kent

At Tree Pro Ltd, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality tree services for both residential and commercial clients. Our team of skilled professionals has the knowledge and experience to tackle any project, big or small. We recently completed a domestic job in Barming, Kent, where we separated a conifer and yew that were intertwined and reduced the height of an Elaeagnus.

The conifer and yew trees in this Barming property had become so intertwined that they were difficult to separate without causing damage. The height of the Elaeagnus had also become an issue, as it was growing too tall and large for the space it was in. The holly tree on the property also required a spherical prune to maintain its shape and health.

Our team of experts assessed the situation and determined the best course of action to separate the conifer and yew trees. Using careful and precise cuts, we were able to separate the trees without causing any damage. We then reduced the height of the Elaeagnus to its appropriate size, ensuring that it would continue to thrive in its current space.

The holly tree required a spherical prune to maintain its shape, which we performed with care and precision. This not only improved the tree’s aesthetic appearance but also helped to promote its overall health and growth.

The Results

After completing this domestic job in Barming, Kent, the property was left looking neat and tidy, and the trees were now separated and reduced to their appropriate sizes. The Elaeagnus tree was now of a suitable height for the space, and the holly tree had been pruned to maintain its spherical shape.

Our team’s careful and precise cuts ensured that no damage was caused during the separation of the conifer and yew trees. We also ensured that the holly tree’s health and vitality were maintained, helping it to continue to thrive in the future.

Choose Tree Pro Ltd for Your Tree Services

If you’re looking for expert tree services for your residential or commercial property, look no further than Tree Pro Ltd. Our team of skilled professionals has the knowledge and experience to tackle any tree-related project, big or small. Contact us today to discuss your tree service needs or to receive a quote for our services.

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Tree Pro